How To Mine Electroneum (ETN) Through Mobile

Mining cryptocurrency is a very resource-intensive task which requires high-end hardware like GPU’s and CPU’s. Even if you try your Smartphone for mining, it may get burned out very soon due to high computational tasks. So, how you can mine cryptocurrencies on your mobile phones. There are many applications for that, but today we are going to talk about mining Electroneum (ETN) through your smartphones which is a very lightweight and does not eat your mobile resources.


Mine Electroneum through mobile


What is Electroneum (ETN)?


Electroneum is the mobile cryptocurrency and was launched via an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) on 14th September 2017. Basically, it is developed to be used in the mobile gaming and online gambling markets, and as per them, it will be the most user-friendly cryptocurrency in the world.


Features of Electroneum (ETN)


[su_list icon=”icon: check-circle” icon_color=”#107e0e”]

  • Secure and private.
  • Designed for mass adoption.
  • App based mobile mining.
  • Signed agreements with global mobile networks.
  • Provide a digital payment solution to the developing world.



How Electroneum Mobile Mining Works?


Basically, it is not like hardware mining and actually, it doesn’t mine ETN on your mobile phone. Instead, it benchmarks your mobile phone and allocates a certain amount of hashrate to it. Then it will allocate the amount of Electroneum, that you will receive if you have actually mined a block.

To recapitulate, it is like a simulator which is giving you Electroneum (ETN) mining experience on your smartphones and gives you actual rewards in form of Electroneum coin, which is quite intriguing.


Steps to Create Electroneum Account


1. Go to and click on “create account

2. Now, fill your details like Email and password and proceed further.

3. In this step, you will have to activate your account by clicking on the link provided in your email.

4. Once you have verified your email, now verify your mobile number, followed by “PIN Recovery” and “PIN Setup”.

5. Now, you can try to login to your online Electroneum account, which will also generate your Electroneum receiving address.

6. Now, download the official Electroneum mobile application from Google Play store. Currently, it is only available for Android devices and development for iOS is in progress. Use below link to download (it is the official Electroneum app) or directly go to their website and then follow the link.

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” size=”8″ center=”yes” icon=”” icon_color=”#e4d413″]Download Official Electroneum Mobile App[/su_button]


7. Once you have installed the application on your mobile phone, login with your account created in above steps and start mining your electroneum (ETN) coins.


How to Withdraw Electroneum?


Once you have started mining Electroneum, you will see them in your ‘Pending Balance’. These are the coins which you will get once you reach 10 ETN. It may take some time for new users, so be patient and wait for your transaction. You don’t have to do anything as this is an automatic process.

The current payout amount is 10 ETN.

Once you receive your Electroneum (ETN) on your wallet, it would look like below screenshot. If there is any major change going on with Electroneum like hardfork, etc., it would take time to credit your ETN’s to your wallet.

Once you have mined Electroneum (ETN) in your wallet, you can send them to any cryptocurrency exchange which supports its trading.


Electroneum Wallet balance


How to Earn Extra Electroneum (ETN) for FREE?


Yes, you can earn extra Electroneum (ETN) in addition to your mined ETN. This can be done in two ways.

Firstly, by using ETN referral program which gives you extra 5% bonus on what other people mine using your referral code.

Secondly, you can also get extra 1% bonus on everything you mine using code “5FE498“. This is our referral code. If you don’t use below code, you won’t get extra 1.00% FREE Electroneum (ETN). You can use this code and then can share your own referral code to your users or friends.

You can also SCAN the below QR code from your Electroneum app.

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” size=”8″ center=”yes” icon=”” icon_color=”#e4d413″]5FE498[/su_button]

[su_qrcode data=”5FE498″ title=”SCAN THE CODE: 5FE498″ align=”center”]

[su_quote]On your Electroneum mobile app, click on “MORE” and then “Referral program” and enter code “5FE498”.[/su_quote]


Hope you like this tutorial on how to mine electroneum using your smartphones. If you have any doubt or query, please let us know through your comments below. If you want to see more such tutorials, please subscribe to our website and YouTube channel. You can also follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Comments (2)

  1. DAVE Jun 06, 2018
    • MCH Jun 06, 2018

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